Language of Inclusion
DEI-ve in with Cynthia: A Series Dedicated to our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Efforts presents Language of Inclusion.
Join us for a lively session during which we will:
- Examine the evolution of “preferred” language
- Understand the differences between sex assigned at birth, gender expression, gender identity, attraction, and sexual orientation
- Practice applying skills to recover from unintended exclusions, and create new habits to be more inclusive

Unlocking Understanding: Understanding Difficult Behaviors and Emotional Dysregulation
When a child who has experienced trauma melts down emotionally or struggles with big behaviors, the adults in their life can struggle to know how to make sense of exactly what is happening, or to know how to best help. Even if you logically know that trauma and adverse experiences can impact youth behavior - it can still be incredibly difficult to make sense of the complexity of the most difficult moments. In this training, we’ll focus on equipping you with information that will help you to better understand difficult behaviors, emotional dysregulation, in addition to providing you with actionable tips and tools that you can use in response. In this training.
You’ll learn:
- How trauma impacts the nervous system, and how this is connected to “big” behaviors like aggression, opposition, lying, stealing, and more
- Why and how kids can sometimes *want* to stop a behavior, but still can’t seem to do it (and how to help)
- Brain-based information to help you make sense of the hardest moments
- Brain-based strategies for responding to emotional dysregulation and big behaviors compassionately, supportively, and with the nervous system in mind

Unconscious Bias
DEI-ve in with Cynthia: A Series Dedicated to our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Efforts presents Unconscious Bias. Through awareness, sharing, decision making, and personal reflections, participants learn more about themselves and weigh their beliefs about others in a fun, safe, learning environment. DEI-ve in with Cynthia: A Series Dedicated to our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Efforts

Unlocking Understanding: Understanding Grief
Whatever the reason youth enter the foster system, the experience is often marked by sudden loss of parents, siblings, extended family, pets, school, home, friends, personal history, belongings, identity, control, and more. Many youth experience profound grief related to this loss, though the grief doesn’t always present in the ways we might expect. Further, because grief doesn’t have a specific timeline,- youth may experience feelings of grief and loss intermittently for years.
Because the impact of grief can be so significant, it is crucial for the involved adults to navigate and support foster youth experiencing grief with sensitivity and understanding.
This workshop will support attendees to understand the grief faced by foster youth, how it manifests, and what they can do to help and support youth who are navigating this complex emotional terrain.
You’ll learn:
- The expected and unexpected manifestations of grief for foster youth
- How grief impacts foster youth
- How to support foster youth who are navigating grief related to family separation, family loss, or death
- What to say (and what NOT to say) to foster youth who are experiencing grief
- Recognizing and supporting feelings of grief that may present at unexpected times (such as in a happy moment, when achieving a milestone etc.)
- Practical tools for effectively supporting foster youth navigating grief.

2024 Juvenile Law Updates
Each year we have the opportunity to hear from attorneys Allison Cruz & Georgina Dews on updates to dependency law. We invite CASA staff and volunteers to join us who want to learn about updates to dependency law. This session will be fast paced and review changes to statutes and case law.

Turning Dreams into Degrees: Support Foster Youth To and Through College
This course will empower CASA volunteers to discuss the value of higher education with foster youth and provide ideas for how they can play an active role in supporting these youth to and through college. CASA volunteers will learn the significance of early college exploration, preparation, and key steps that they can take to help youth make a smooth transition from high school to college. Attendees will learn about the benefits of college and the different pathways available to better support youth in making a plan. Participants will also learn about the supports and resources that exist to help foster youth turn their dreams into degrees.

Unlocking Understanding: Understanding Neurodivergence & ADHD
Join us for a one-hour crash course that delves into the world of neurodivergence and ADHD. This workshop will equip attendees with both essential knowledge and practical tools that will help them to better understand and support neurodivergent foster youth/youth with ADHD.
You’ll learn:
Fundamental concepts of neurodivergence and ADHD
- The visible and subtle manifestations of neurodivergence and ADHD
-Why many typical behavioral approaches aren’t successful for neurodivergent youth (and what to do instead)
-How ADHD and/or neurodivergence can impact executive functioning skills such as planning ahead, self-control, following multiple-step directions, staying focused, and more (and how you can help)
- Practical advice and actionable tips, tricks, and tools to support neurodivergent foster youth more effectively
By the end of this workshop, you'll leave with a deeper understanding of neurodivergence and ADHD, and be armed with practical strategies for supporting neurodivergent foster youth.

Talk Saves Lives: Suicide Prevention in the LGBTQ Community
AFSP’s Talk Saves Lives has long been one of the country’s leading suicide prevention education programs, covering the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight this leading cause of death. The newly updated module of this essential program, Talk Saves Lives™: Suicide Prevention in the LGBTQ Community gives participants essential and lifesaving understanding of topics including:
Suicide risk and its unique considerations in LGBTQ communities
Recognizing suicide risk factors and warning signs for LGBTQ people
Protective factors that can help lower the suicide rate
The latest research related to LGBTQ suicide prevention
How to seek and offer support for yourself or others
Crisis resources and services for the LGBTQ community
What communities can do to support LGBTQ people
We all have a role to play in preventing suicide, and those in the LGBTQ community may face additional challenges and barriers to help because of discriminatory factors. This new program informs more people of the best ways to provide caring and support to those who need it.

First 5 - Building Healing Centered, Trauma Informed, Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Systems: Understanding the Importance of the Early Years in Buffering Against Adverse Childhood Experiences
First 5s are fundamental partners in the education advocacy of young children in foster care. Approximately half of the children in foster care are ages 0-5 and understanding the importance of supporting protective factors in the early years of development will have a positive impact over a child’s life course. Core to the vision of the network of First 5s is to develop programs, supports and structures to create healing centered, trauma informed and culturally responsive systems. Children in foster care have been exposed to many Adverse Childhood Experiences that can impact brain development in the early years. Learn how to partner with First 5s to buffer against the long term impact of this trauma.

Homelessness and its Effects on Youth in Foster Care
November is National Runaway Prevention Month, a time dedicated to shining a light on the experiences of youth who have run away and youth who have experienced homelessness. As you know, youth in foster care are one of the most vulnerable populations affected by homelessness and are at greater risk to experience homelessness in the future. California CASA has partnered with the National Runaway Safeline and researchers dedicated to studying the issue to deliver a webinar on this important topic. This session will explore local and national data, programs and services available to support youth, as well as ways to best advocate for youth experiencing homelessness.